Palência (Espanha)

7 anos 8 meses atrás #2851 por Info
Palência - uma cidade que vale a pena visitar !

Good morning,

The city council of Ampudia (Palencia-Spain)  collaborates with International Museum Day, so has organized for this Thursday, May 18, an open day and a night visit to the town. That is why it invites all members of your association to visit the municipality and take the opportunity also to visit the tourist resources for free in order to expand the majority of cases.

The visiting hours of the monuments are as follows:

- Collegiate Church of San Miguel: from 11.00 to 13.30 and from 16.30 to 18.30

- Museum of Sacred Art: from 11.00 to 13.30 and from 17.30 to 19.30

-Castillo- Eugenio Fontaneda Foundation Collection: visits at 12.00-13.00-17.00-18.00

Office of Tourism and Museum of Medicine: from 10.30 to 13.30 and from 17.30 to 20.30

As for the night visit, begins at 21.30 hours in the tourist office, to tour the streets of the municipality and see the illuminated all the monuments. In addition, you enter the Museum of Sacred Art and the Collegiate Church of San Miguel.

The recordings that are in Ampudia have an open area for the whole year and can be used like this. To access it you can do it through three itineraries. From Palencia it is reached by the road CL-612 and with the diversion carried out in the town of Torremormojón by the P-924. From Valladolid you have to take the A-62 to exit 117, direction Cigales; Then go for VP-4401 and VP-4000. Another possibility of access whose origin is Medina de Rioseco, in this case, is reached by the P-901.

To facilitate the search with a GPS device the exact coordinates of the Area are: 41.91111 / -4.78028 N 41º 54 '40' '/ W 4º 46' 49 ''

Thank you very much for your attention. We hope you receive the information with pleasure and the changes of the partners.



Ayuntamiento de Ampudia

Tel: 979768025

Fax: 979768316

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